Guiding principles that define our Curriculum are in alignment with “MA Curriculum Frameworks” and NAEYC (National Association for the Education of Young Children)
Principle 1: All young children are capable of learning. Learning predominantly occurs within the context of one’s family and culture. Diversity and multiculturalism allows for an enriched learning environment
Principle 2: Young children learn by doing i.e. exploring and engaging with others. Relationships and interactions between the child and dependable adults (family and educators) are central in early learning. Partnership between family and educators is critical for the student’s success
Principle 3: Children benefit from rich, multi-sensory learning environments that support different interests, learning styles and kinds of intelligence. Early language and literacy sets the stage for future learning.
Our Learning Environment includes the following:
BLOCKS: Large, medium and small block sizes, castle, people, bugs, etc.
TRUCKS: Large and small cars, trucks, trains, airplanes etc.
DRAMATIC PLAY: Indoor and outdoor furniture is scaled to child’s size to duplicate Kitchen, Babys bed room, Doctors office, Veternarian Hospital, Post Office, Fire Station, Dance Studio, Fairy Land, Resturant, Forest, Campground, Beach, etc.
ART: Easel and finger painting equipment, crayons, large pencils, magic markers, chalk, scissors, glue, clay, play dough, recycled materials, etc.
SCIENCE: Weight scales, metric scales, large standing magnifier, prism, magnets, thermometer, sand crab, seeds, plants, collection of outdoor findings, simple experiments, etc.
QUIET ACTIVITY: Lots of puzzles, bristle blocks, Connectors, Lincoln Logs, table toys, various learning games and manipulative toys.
LIBRARY: Books, discussion of the day and weather, educational computer tablet games.
MUSIC AND MOVEMENT: Singing with and without accompaniment by instruments. Finger plays, flannel board stories, records, CD's, various materials for dance, bean bags and musical instruments.
MANIPULATIVES: Leggos, Gears, Magnetic blocks, lacing cards,
OUTSIDE EQUIPMENT: Equipment for large muscle development-climbing, balancing, swinging, bike riding, sand box, balls, Frisbee’s etc.
PERSONAL HEALTH & SELF HELP: Soft toys depicting personal hygiene, dental hygiene